The condition of (being in) "In-distance" has at least two beginnings/ends, and our distance from each point makes a new situation. As much as our proximity gives us cognition and adds to our questions, it is equally important that we are far away because having distance is not always associated with not seeing or not knowing.
We are facing a distorted reality. Our eyes work like and show only parts of reality by limiting the world in the frame, the same thing happens in our understanding of the world. It is a practical reality for us; just like fire, we are incapable of knowing its reality, but we know about its burning and heat-giving or its luminous character. But imagination does not conflict with reality, and the elements of imagination are parts of reality. Imagination sets elements of reality in motion. In fact, imagination is the key to our understanding of the world; if reality raises the question “why?”, the imagination asks, "why isn't it so”? There is a straight connection between what/how we perceive things and the concept of the distance. This project tries to investigate on the role of presence in a form of distance to understand what we are facing with the thing we call *the world.